使用 Python 调用 etcd gRPC 接口



因为 etcd 的 API 很少,所以这里直接考虑自己写库调用,而不是用第三方库。


pip install grpcio pip install grpcio-tools pip install google-api-core

创建 protobuf 文件


碰到报错的 option 直接删掉就行(import 不能删,后面会讲)。

rpc.proto 是基础的服务,只用拿出你需要的服务即可,例如需要使用 Range 功能,可以这样写:

syntax = "proto3"; package etcdserverpb; import "api/mvccpb/kv.proto"; service KV { rpc Range(RangeRequest) returns (RangeResponse) {} }

RangeRequestRangeResponse 都在同一个文件中,部分文件例如 kv.proto 是缺失的,需要再跟着复制进来。


api ├── etcdserverpb │   └── rpc.proto └── mvccpb    └── kv.proto

例如需要使用 RangePut 两个功能,完整的代码如下:

// api/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto syntax = "proto3"; package etcdserverpb; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "api/mvccpb/kv.proto"; service KV { // Range gets the keys in the range from the key-value store. rpc Range(RangeRequest) returns (RangeResponse) {} // Put puts the given key into the key-value store. // A put request increments the revision of the key-value store // and generates one event in the event history. rpc Put(PutRequest) returns (PutResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/kv/put" body: "*" }; } } message RangeRequest { enum SortOrder { NONE = 0; // default, no sorting ASCEND = 1; // lowest target value first DESCEND = 2; // highest target value first } enum SortTarget { KEY = 0; VERSION = 1; CREATE = 2; MOD = 3; VALUE = 4; } bytes key = 1; bytes range_end = 2; int64 limit = 3; int64 revision = 4; SortOrder sort_order = 5; SortTarget sort_target = 6; bool serializable = 7; bool keys_only = 8; bool count_only = 9; int64 min_mod_revision = 10; int64 max_mod_revision = 11; int64 min_create_revision = 12; int64 max_create_revision = 13; } message RangeResponse { ResponseHeader header = 1; // kvs is the list of key-value pairs matched by the range request. // kvs is empty when count is requested. repeated mvccpb.KeyValue kvs = 2; // more indicates if there are more keys to return in the requested range. bool more = 3; // count is set to the number of keys within the range when requested. int64 count = 4; } message ResponseHeader { // cluster_id is the ID of the cluster which sent the response. uint64 cluster_id = 1; // member_id is the ID of the member which sent the response. uint64 member_id = 2; // revision is the key-value store revision when the request was applied, and it's // unset (so 0) in case of calls not interacting with key-value store. // For watch progress responses, the header.revision indicates progress. All future events // received in this stream are guaranteed to have a higher revision number than the // header.revision number. int64 revision = 3; // raft_term is the raft term when the request was applied. uint64 raft_term = 4; } message PutRequest { // key is the key, in bytes, to put into the key-value store. bytes key = 1; // value is the value, in bytes, to associate with the key in the key-value store. bytes value = 2; // lease is the lease ID to associate with the key in the key-value store. A lease // value of 0 indicates no lease. int64 lease = 3; // If prev_kv is set, etcd gets the previous key-value pair before changing it. // The previous key-value pair will be returned in the put response. bool prev_kv = 4; // If ignore_value is set, etcd updates the key using its current value. // Returns an error if the key does not exist. bool ignore_value = 5; // If ignore_lease is set, etcd updates the key using its current lease. // Returns an error if the key does not exist. bool ignore_lease = 6; } message PutResponse { ResponseHeader header = 1; // if prev_kv is set in the request, the previous key-value pair will be returned. mvccpb.KeyValue prev_kv = 2; }
// api/mvccpb/kv.proto syntax = "proto3"; package mvccpb; message KeyValue { // key is the key in bytes. An empty key is not allowed. bytes key = 1; // create_revision is the revision of last creation on this key. int64 create_revision = 2; // mod_revision is the revision of last modification on this key. int64 mod_revision = 3; // version is the version of the key. A deletion resets // the version to zero and any modification of the key // increases its version. int64 version = 4; // value is the value held by the key, in bytes. bytes value = 5; // lease is the ID of the lease that attached to key. // When the attached lease expires, the key will be deleted. // If lease is 0, then no lease is attached to the key. int64 lease = 6; }


之后使用命令生成对应的 Python 代码:

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ -I./.venv/Lib/site-packages --python_out=./ --pyi_out=./ api/mvccpb/kv.proto python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ -I./.venv/Lib/site-packages --python_out=./ --pyi_out=./ --grpc_python_out=./ api/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto

注意 -I./.venv/Lib/site-packages,这个就是告诉 protoc,将这个目录也作为 protoc 文件的搜素目录(实际是让它搜素该文件夹中的 google 目录)。


def main(): with grpc.insecure_channel('') as channel: stub = rpc_pb2_grpc.KVStub(channel) range_response = stub.Range( rpc_pb2.RangeRequest( key=bytes('/testenv', 'utf-8'), range_end=bytes('\0', 'utf-8'), ) ) print(range_response.kv) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Ptyhon 3.6 生成文件的问题

如果是 Python 3.6,在使用--pyi_out会报错,这个是一个声明文件的生成,不生成不会影响运行,但是会导致语法提示缺失。

首先去掉 --pyi_out。之后下载 protoc,直接用最新版就可以了(我当时是 28.0)。

然后使用下面的命令重新生成 pyi 文件。

protoc -I./ -I./.ansible-cd-venv/Lib/site-packages --pyi_out=./ api/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto protoc -I./ -I./.ansible-cd-venv/Lib/site-packages --pyi_out=./ api/mvccpb/kv.proto

关于 key 和 range_end

对于 key 是必须提供的,搭配上 range_end,etcd 会做出不同的行为:

  • 如果 range_end 为空,则精确匹配 key
  • 如果 range_end\0,则匹配所有前缀为 key 的项目。
  • 如果 range_end 为其它值,则会使用字典序匹配出所有 [key, range_end) 范围内的项目。
    • 例如: fafbfcfcafcbfccfdfe 是一组字典序升序的字符串,[fb, fd) 的结果就是 fbfcfcafcbfcc

除此之外,如果 key\0,则匹配所有键。如果要搜素所有的键,则需要指定 key = '\0'range_end = '\0'.